Dendritic Cell Therapy

Dendritic Cell Therapy


Boost Immune Function 0
Fight Cancer Cells 0

What is Dendritic Cell Therapy?

Dendritic Cell Therapy can be described as a cancer vaccine made from your own blood. In the lab your dendritic cells are trained and multiplied to present your specific cancer to your immune system.

By concentrating your body’s dendritic cells on correctly identifying your body’s cancer as a threat, then reintroducing those cells into your system, the ‘trained’ cells can boost your body’s capacity to work against the cancer.

The idea is to have the patient’s specific cancer battled by their own enhanced or boosted self-immunity—a tailored cancer treatment vaccine!

How Does Dendritic Cell Therapy Work?

Dendritic cells are found in the bloodstream and are responsible for identifying threats which the body’s immune system needs to respond to. When cancer develops in the body, dendritic cells work as antigen presenters for the immune system, ultimately making cancer visible for the killer cells.

These immune cells then attack the cancer and cause cancer cells to die off. By concentrating your body’s dendritic cells, sensitizing them to your specific cancer, and then reintroducing those cells into your system, the ‘trained’ cells can boost your body’s capacity to work against the cancer.

The goal is to have your specific cancer battled by your own enhanced or boosted self-immunity—a tailored cancer treatment vaccine.

Combining this therapy with immune modulation treatments that increase the amount of immune cells.

How is the Therapy Performed?

  • A simple blood draw is performed.
  • In the laboratory, monocyte cells are filtered out and exposed to specific growth factors to turn into dendritic cells.
  • The dendritic cells are then “primed” by being exposed to specific cancer antigens.
  • After 7 days in the laboratory the trained and concentrated dendritic cells will be administered back to the patient through a simple injection or infusion.
  • Cytotoxic T-cells are activated and bind with cancer cells, causing them to die off (apoptosis).

Dendritic Cell Therapy - The Research

A customized cancer vaccination with dendritic cells presents a promising form of immunotherapy. Studies with over 4,500 patients treated with dendritic cells have been published. In 2010, the therapy was approved for the first time in the US as a vaccination therapy in the treatment of prostate cancer.

By 2018, a total of 1,400 cases of Melanoma patients treated with dendritic cells were documented. In addition to that, 900 case reports of patients with urological tumors, intestinal tumors, brain tumors, breast cancer, lung cancer and various hematology cases were documented. The results have shown that during the therapy, tumor shrinkage, and more often a stabilization of the disease can occur. There is no doubt that Dendritic Cell therapy will play a growing role in the ongoing battle to beat cancer—a fact that brings hope to patients worldwide.


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